Thursday, April 18, 2013


After nearly 15 hours on on four different planes, working on less than 5 hours of sleep in 48 hours and crossing through 6 different time zones, when all I wanted to do was drop dead on the floor and let those caniving gypsies take from me whatever the pleased there WAS a light at the end of the tunnel...and that light, is Paris.

                                This picture perfectly captured my state before my cool down                                      
                                in the park...minus the balls. They were definitely not present...

While I've only been in Paris for less than 12 hours I'm already reminded of how much I love this city and why it was so hard to leave last time. First of all, its so intimate. Unlike other bug cities that can just seem to swallow you whole, you can walk to/be in many different parts of Paris in one day. Although I've been gone over a year, I didn't have to consult a metro map to get around as everything is pretty easy and centrally located. I just love how verything is very condensed, and of course, stunning. Secondly, there's just this atmosphere around the city--everything seems a little softer, a little more laid-back latin while still being amidst a bustling city. Today was especially laid back with the burst of good weather, everyone heading to the local parks to enjoy one anothers company.

                                                   Part of the Jardin de Tuilieries

After missing my lunch date with Akila, a french intern friend I had at the US embassy when I was here last, I decided that my tired ass wanted to lie down. Since I was right at the US Embassy in Place de la Concorde I decided to head over to Jardin de Tuilieries right by the Louvre. Sat down in the grass, and within moments of bringing out my ukulele and strumming along this middle aged man from Lebanon walks over and starts chatting me up.

Before I go further I need to stop and explain. Some of you may be unaware that I am, in fact, a hot commodity within the 35-50 year old middle-eastern/african immigrant range. These guys CANNOT get enough of me, and all the time last year I would have men of this genre approaching me and trying to have their way. Sadly, this is not my game (but have after my discards Rani! :P)

This guy was no different. While pleasant at first to talk to, within minutes he was finding more and more excuses to touch my hand or shoulder until it finally got to the point that he straight out asked "Do you like to make love?" At this point, my answer was a decidedly firm "Hell no" after which I asked him if he could kindly go away because he was creeping me out. While he willingly obliged, I am glad he came over and gave me the confidence to then start playing my uke in public.

                                       The totality of my possessions here on this adventure.

I'm not singer. I don't consider myself a musician. But I love to make music, and from past observations here Paris is the place to be if you want to be a street performer. With my tight europe trip budget in mind, I decided to bring along my uke to play in the streets if I needed extra money. Today I decided to play because I didn't want to move, but I wanted to be productive.

I only ended up being able to play for about an hour before a security woman walked up to me with a "Excusez-moi madame, mais il est interdit..." in which case I had to move on with the days events. No matter because I MADE 5 EUROS 50! So 5 euros, not amazing, but still I was happy as it allowed me to buy a banana, nutella, coconut crepe which WAS worth an hour of singing/playing. What was actually more rewarding than the peformance was the feedback I got from passerby. The first man to give me 2 euros told me I was "tres jolie" and proceeded to take pictures of me playing. A group of school children also passed by and all clapped for me and said the song was "tres jolie," and one guy held his phone up to my singing so his wife could hear. It was very cute, and I loved playing for people. I DID feel like the most homeless person ever, completely shamelessly playing for money but SO worth it. Think I'll try up at Montmartre tomorrow and see if I can't pay for my forthcoming ice cream.

                               Walking back towards the Louvre, the view across the Seine.

After that I headed out towards the Marais for some more exploring and bonding with the city. Got some pretty great postcards, found the same one I sent Chloe last time that got confiscated because of its indecency. Although looking at the ones it was surounded by, I'd say this one seems pretty tame in comparion. Which totally says something about the french people and their casual relationship with nudity that these were straight out open in the street...

                                                              only in Paris man...

Also ran into one of my favorite thrift shops in Paris 'Free P Star' to which I almost lost my soul to the 1 euro bin of treasures, but forced myself out in order to meet up with Tram who I'm staying with here in Paris. Tram, Akila, and I all worked at the embassy together and Tram is still here finishing up her masters program. One of the first things we did when we got together was go to the store to pick up the real reason I came to Paris--cheese, bread, and wine. So cheap, SO delicious, and really complimented Tram's homemade candle-lit dinner we had back here at her place in Rueil (suburb of Paris).

                                              You know what this is...get in my belly.

Pasta, pork, satueed veggies, cheese, bread, wine, and bananas....bliss. I'm so stuffed and so completely happy (though that may have something more to do with my delirious state from that second glass of white wine combined with an overall lack of sleep). Anyways, so I'll be with Tram for the next few days and then off to Daniel in Barcelona. Excited to hook up with more friends here in Paris, make some amazing memories, and enjoy being alive. A bientot!

                                                                  I love my life.


  1. So confused how you got there and how you are financially living....did you sell some eggs. Why didn't I know you were leaving? So many questions but so fab!

  2. I love how full this is of Sydneyisms. Hope you're having so much fun, and I would love to keep hearing updates!
