Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Communicating with the Soul

When I was given my first introduction to poetry in Mrs. William's class in eighth grade, I immediately fell in love. As with most art, it touched me in a deeper place that transcended mere words on a page and spoke to me quietly in the language of my soul. Ever since, I have been enamored with the journey of seeking out those wisdom filled words on that path of metaphysical transformation and enlightenment in hopes that through their tutelage I would one day be able to give birth to my own happiness.

Many people have mixed feelings about poetry. They see it as complicated, with a lot of fancy words strung out in alternative ways all written by a mad person who is out of touch with actually articulating their meaning. And maybe in part people are right, because there isn't an exact right way to understand it. Poetry exists for itself, to be taken in as an experience and a reflection of a human experience and higher truth. And I think when I grasped that poetry wasn't beyond me but was me I truly began to foster a love for it.

Through the years, my poetry preferences have shifted. In my early indoctrination I could not grasp the idea of free verse. To me, it was not poetry. It was in rhyming that true creativity was found. In using words in a confining way that truly dictated it's worth. However as time went on, I slowly began to fall in love with deeper forms of poetry that transcended the rhyming scheme. The idea of using words in provocative ways to conjure up an an indescribable passion or image leaves me floored. How nothingness can become somethingness if you put enough energy into it, enough truth. The way that language can be used not to just reflect the soul, but to create the soul.

My dear friend Daryl recently expanded my view of poetry even more. I'd never much thought about poetry in different mediated forms outside of the written narrative, preferring my individualistic reading experience over other community gatherings. What Daryl showed me however has changed my perception about oral poetry readings, making me see the power in performance that you just can't get in the silence of reading. It's a visual learning, where the creator and the created are combined to make a truly inspirational reflection.

I've attached a few poetry readings here that I feel speak directly to me of the truth of the human experience. I can't wait to attend a poetry reading soon and begin the journey of opening up and letting people into my soul's composition. I hope they touch you in the way they have me and that you give poetry a chance. I promise you, it is life changing.

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