Friday, January 25, 2013

First World Privilege

There are some weeks you hate life and some you realize just how damn good you have it. This has been a week of the latter.

On Tuesday I was able to hang out with some of my best friends here in Hawaii, Matt and Jess, who I rarely get to see now that he is graduated and she is in a different major. They are by far some of the most generous loving people I have met in my life and I always enjoy their company as they really are true intellectuals who like to analyze things in a variety of different ways. Also went and picked up another bestie here Elizabeth who sadly lives in the dorms and rarely gets the off campus freedom of being able to make these late night excursions. Together we make a dream team.

So one reason Jess and Matt are awesome is the fact that they are caretakers for several rental vacation homes on North Shore. The most luxurious of them all goes at a minimum of 1200 a night and is just stunning. I always think I have high morals and self respect but when I walk into that house I'm immediately willing to drop trough for some cashmonz. We made this our base camp for the night because, hey, life is always better chilling out in a mansion on the North Shore of Hawaii.

So the mansion had recently been rented by some people from the food network, who graciously left some leftover food in the fridge which I as a freeloader felt fully within my right to consume. It wasn't anything special but it was a) free and b) already made. Also decided to bake some delicious banana bread at the hosue [weird/delicious recipe including lime and coconut] followed by a much needed soak in the luxurious hot tub. Seriously, hot tub is top priority for my future house. Or a magnificent bath tub. Basically I want to wear no pants and be submerged in water at all times. Call it weird unresolved baby issues, but I love it. Talked about old t.v shows we grew up with before finally getting on the subject of super powers, thus giving birth to the M-JEMS signifying the members of our group [Morgan Freeman, Jess, Elizabeth, Matt, and Sydney].

You're probably wondering how Morgan got into all of this, but believe me, it was a very lengthy and heated discussion about who to bring into the group under what superpower. In the end we felt that Morgan had both the maturity and the suave to be admitted into the group, as well as bringing ethnic diversity and extreme intelligence. His superpower [reading minds and being able to alter emotions] we also felt complimented our shape-shifting [Jess], invisibility [Elizabeth], Time traveler [Matt], and Jumper [me]. Overall, we are going to kick some major ass when the time to come and defend the world presents itself.

After we finished with the hot tub we packed up again and headed back to their studio to watch 'Cloud Atlas.' The movie wasn't too bad, albeit hard to understand especially having started it at 11 p.m and I fell asleep 4 times. Apparently it was supposed to be brilliant, so I'll have to give it another go when I have more energy to focus on its themes and artistic merit. Overall that was the greatest night this week where I just kept sitting back in awe that this is my life sometimes.

Tonight then marked the beginning opening social for music club which I love. Although it was a sausage fest [hey, not complaining since I swing that way] there were a couple great female performers. It was my first time performing without Lisa so I was a bit nervous, but I ended up singing "Mother of Pearl" by Nellie McKay as well as another one I wrote titled "Sometimes." They were both really well received which was nice, especially since I am partially sick and so my voice is out of it and there was also the pressure of so many awesome/sexy men. Met a pair of twins in particular who don't go to school here but are merely passing through. They work extensively in the tourism industry for a couple of months out of the year and save up their money so they can travel and be wandering gypsies the rest of the time. Mainly they were there to freeload off the food but they were really nice. Love meeting those people along the way.

So overall a great week. This weekend will be kind of lame, but I suppose I need a bit of a lame weekend to get over this cold :/

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