Thursday, January 31, 2013

First Check on the Bucket List!

In a previous post I listed 24 things I wanted to do this year, crossing off two a month. As the weeks go by and school gets hectic and my resolve weakens I have been getting these thoughts that I would almost never get to any of the goals I had set, resigned to the fact that I was the most boring/dull person alive. And then today, right at the end of the month, I accomplished my first task.

I went skinny dipping.

I hadn't really planned on it, it just kind of happened. One of those serendipitous moments where you enter a certain environment and find that "hey, clothes kind of suck right now" and glorious experiences soon follow. I ended up putting off homework for the third day in a row in order to hang out with my good friends Matt and Jess who took me to the fanciest vacation rental that they look after just down the road from BYU-H. Having already referenced my experience last week in the 1200 a night home, let me just say I was under-prepared for this experience. In sheer number alone, this house rents for a minimum of 3,200 a night seeing a plethora of big name stars as its tenants, including Bobby Brown who was actually married here. Yes, might want to get a towel for the drool flooding your room now dear. It was pretty fucking fantastic.

                                            This picture doesn't even begin to do it justice.

After walking around in a most reverent air exploring the many rooms/bathrooms/kid coves/and kitchens we headed outside to be greeted by this beautiful view of an infinity pool backing right up into the ocean. I'm telling you, I couldn't design a house better if I tried. The hosue was a massive aphrodisiac of architectural splendor and interior design. So naturally being me my first thought in finding myself in such a place dripping of sensuality was to take my pants off. My thoughts had gone no further than this pleasure when Matt suggested that instead I try going for a full on skinny dip and embrace my inner shameless hippy.

Don't have to tell me twice.

While Jess and Matt skimpered off to one of the farther rooms to be productive adults I, bare as the day I came from my mother's womb, went skinny dipping in the glorious pool of a mansion on the North Shore in Hawaii. All the while I kept on thinking simultanousely "this is not my life" and "why does anyone ever wear ever, seriously" as I enjoyed the sweet victory of knowing that yes, I was an accomplished human being and I had now formally begun my new years resolutions. I never thought that my first skinny-dipping experience would be in the light of day at a house of someone I don't even know, but hey, life never quite works out that way and spontaneity always makes for a better story. I just know that one day when I look back and tell my crazy grand kids about the good old days of my youth, I'm sure this experience will be one of the highlights.

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