Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Christmas was a little touch and go this year, but which one isn't? If you're not fighting and being properly dysfunctional then its not the holiday season. However for the sake of remaining positive I'll recollect only the wonderful memories.

My favorite gift this year was probably my grandma's present to my mom. She has always loved sewing, and so this year she made the most adorable little cloth food covering lids. But since my grandma is going a little senile in her age my mom and I decided to have a good time with her. Which is why we sent her the following picture message:

                           "Thanks for the berets grandma! They'll look great at Les Miserables later."

Needless to say we were rather amused. Gotta poke a little bit of fun at the old folks.

Which I suppose seaways right into Les Miserables or as I like to refer to it, the best thing to happen in 2012. It was a rather phenomenal film, with breathtaking scenes by both Anne Hathaway and Hugh Jackman. I was also surprised at how true they were to the play, and it took all my strength not to sing along to all the songs. Basically, bravo Hollywood. Can take a huge sigh of relief--you done good. A great addition to the holiday season.

Afterwards we came home, pigged out in a typical American fashion, and settled in for some board games    (made Rummikub my bitch, since you asked). Reminded me of last year on boxing day going to Harley's boyfriend's house, Joe, in northern England. It was a lovely day in a very inviting family atmosphere but then turned pretty bleak when we brought out the board games. We ended up playing Dogopoly which, unlike this year, got pretty heated due to a few mixed holiday drinks. The night finally culminated in me yelling at my friend Chloe rather viciously "YOU FUCKING BITCH YOU'RE BEING SO SELFISH NOT TRADING WITH ME AND I DON'T EVEN CARE IF I WIN BECAUSE I JUST WANT TO MAKE SURE YOU GO DOWWWWWN!!!" Yes, board games mean that much to me. I have scars to prove how much me and my friends take this shit to heart. So grateful that both my blood kin and extended family loves me despite this serious weakness.

                                    My friends and I before the epic Dogopoly battle last Boxing Day

Anyways, so it ended up being a good day today. Working on sorting out the issues with the fam and enjoying my time home. It'd been a full 2 years since I'd been home for x-mas so it was a completely new experience. Part of being an adult I guess and also a wandering spirit as these holidays will become even more few and far between. Look forward to seeing good friends in the coming days and wringing out the last of 2012 for all its worth before the New Year. Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas as well!

*disclaimer: no one was actually harmed in the Seaton Boxing-Day Massacre last year...except Sydney's pride

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